Body positivity? Do me a favour!

In this day and age, body positivity is everywhere. We are all supposed to love our bodies, adore the skin we're in! Thick girls are winning and bones are for dogs- real men want curves. Honestly, I think real men can want whatever the hell they like but  hey ho.
I've tried to get involved. I've tried to feel it. But I just don't. I'm a fat girl and I hate the skin I'm in. There. I've said it!
Now, don't get me wrong. Everyone should like themselves. Love yourself if you can. But when I read articles of 600lb women loving life, saying they are thick, fluffy, curvy and there is nothing fat girls can't do!! I get cross. I get cross because I weigh nowhere near that weight and there is plenty I can't do. Ride a  bike without my bum eating the saddle, fit on amusement park rides, comfortably do up an airplane seatbelt, ride a horse (something I miss terribly) eat in public without ridicule. The list is endless. These are just a few things off the top of my head.
I also get angry with the terms fluffy, thick, curvy. Not so long ago, mainstream media told us that celebs such as Jennifer Lopez and BeyoncĂ© were "curvy".  Now anybody overweight calls themselves that. Seriously, stop lying to yourselves! If you are so at peace with your weight, why can't you say it? You're fat. Obese. In some cases morbidly obese. Fat is just a word. It has no power! So call a spade, a spade.
Hello, my name is Jazz and I'm fat. Wasn't so hard was it?

It sounds as if I'm some sort of fat shamer. I'm not. Everyone has the right to exist, be happy and feel beautiful. The fact I rarely feel beautiful is my problem, I acknowledge that. You see some absolutely stunning plus size models on Instagram. They look flawless! But I wonder how sore it is under their belly apron on that Caribbean beach? If their thighs are on fire as they're jogging in that 3x bikini?
It's my reality as a fat girl, maybe that's why I look past the glamour. Being fat affects my health and no amount of people calling me queen or telling me yasss! slay in comments on my pics can change that.
Body positivity, REAL body positivity is a good thing. I don't hate myself for being fat but I hate how much my fat body holds me back. Body positivity for me, is wanting to be healthy. To be the best I can be at whatever size I'm at. No kidding myself, no posting bull I don't really feel on social media for likes, no body shaming of any kind (whether big or small). Not apologising for my body to total strangers.
Positivity to me, means honesty. As fat people we need to stop this trend of saying we are healthy. Some of us are lucky enough to be healthy NOW but long term.... we won't stay that way. Do I think a random stranger on the internet (or in real life for that matter) gives a shit about my health? No. But do they have a valid point? Absolutely.
I also hate this notion that slimmer women are somehow the enemy. I see a growing number of memes praising big woman and shaming small ones! Not very "positive" is it?! Where's the sisterhood?!
For all those fat women who truly LOVE being fat, I salute you. I envy your self love!
But seriously.... you're NOT bloody fluffy!!!




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