Who am I?!.... No bloody idea mate

So who am I? A question I don't ever think about really. I'm a mum. A single mum. A Home Educating mum. A mum of a child with disabilities.
 A broke mum. A fat mum! I'm NOT a yummy mummy but I'm always striving to be a good mum.
But boy, surely I'm more than just that?! I know I was 15 years ago.
Ok, I'm a friend too. I only have about 2 friends if I'm honest (quality over quantity, thank you very much) But I know I'm a good friend.
I'm someone who struggles with their weight and is starting their millionth weightloss journey. I'm someone who is single, has been for years and probably will be for many more.
I'm an animal lover, vegetarian (yes, some of us are obese! shock horror!) We own ponies, a very handsome dog and 2 kitty cats.
I'm lazy. I'm rude. Sometimes bad tempered. I'm someone who'd love to save the planet but consistently forgets to bring my whimsical tote bags to Tesco (they are  ridiculously expensive by the way! Even more so when you never use the sodding things!) and have to buy plastic ones.
I'm someone who is a disgusting drunk after a glass of wine. I'm someone who loves a good laugh, I'm talking snort like a pig, tears running down my big fat face till I can't breathe! Nothing better than that.
That's a brief round up. A teeny, tiny part of the age old question "who am I?" And I want to share it. The laughs, balls ups, all the cringe - my life is 99% cringe.
Oh, I guess I'm a typical 30 something woman and there's nothing wrong with that.


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