Fat Girl Dating- My Top 10 Tips
1) If internet dating ALWAYS use a full body picture in your profile. No filters, no face tune and no pictures with friends- especially if your friends are super hot! I learned this lesson the hard way many years ago. I posted a pic of my gorgeous friend and I on my dating profile, only to receive a barrage of messages asking if she was on the site too. Nobody likes a catfish. Don't be that girl. 2) On a first date, always try to wow them with your personality. Go for either clever or funny - be knowledgeable about a shared passion or topic. Make him belly laugh! If you don't feel up to either of those then I recommend a super low cut top. I personally go for making them laugh, backed up with a lot of boob showing (just in case I'm not as funny as I think I am) 3) My go to first date setting is always a bar located in a leisure centre. Have a drink, suss it out. If there is no spark or conversation then luckily the cinema is usually right next door. You don't hav...