
Showing posts from November, 2019

Fat Girl Dating- My Top 10 Tips

1) If internet dating ALWAYS use a full body picture in your profile. No filters, no face tune and no pictures with friends- especially if your friends are super hot! I learned this lesson the hard way many years ago. I posted a pic of my gorgeous friend and I on my dating profile, only to receive a barrage of messages asking if she was on the site too.  Nobody likes a catfish. Don't be that girl. 2) On a first date, always try to wow them with your personality. Go for either clever or funny - be knowledgeable about a shared passion or topic. Make him belly laugh!  If you don't feel up to either of those then I recommend a super low cut top. I personally go for making them laugh, backed up with a lot of boob showing (just in case I'm not as funny as I think I am) 3) My go to first date setting is always a bar located in a leisure centre. Have a drink, suss it out. If there is no spark or conversation then luckily the cinema is usually right next door. You don't hav...

Such A Big..... Ego

Egos. We've all got one. Some are bigger, some more fragile, some are more brazen and shown to the world. But I think we can all agree that in some way, shape or form - we all have an ego. And it can be tough when it takes a blow.  Especially when it's a fat girl who puts the mortal combat moves straight through it... I am not stunningly beautiful. I don't have a magical fanny and I have a gag reflex. Even my personality is a bit crap to be honest with you. So why is it that the men I've had in my life find it so hard when I decide to leave? Especially when none of them have really loved me. Ego. Whether they would like to admit it or not, the fat girl is supposed to be desperate. You're supposed to leave them, you're meant to not find them attractive not the other way around. It's a bitter pill to swallow when the person who society and the media say is unattractive and unworthy isn't interested in you. I last saw K nearly 18 months ago. I'd...